Sunday, June 14, 2015

Space Engineers Server Live!

Generally important:

Runs (for now) until: 12th of Sep 2015
Donation link:
Cost: 11€ each 90 days (I'm perfectly fine paying it for now, don't worry)
Max Player size: 4

Server whitelist Group:
(please apply to group if your not a member yet)

Server properties 2105-06-14:

- We're running survival
- Ateroid world (only respawn ship)
- Low asteroid density
- Maximal floating Objects: 64
- Infinite World
- 20km view

- Inventory size: 1x
- Assembler speed: 1x
- Refinery speed: 1x
- Inventory space: 1x

- Frighter: enabled (random hostile ships spawing - Watch out!)
- Encounters: enabled (random friendly ships spawning)
- Area hostility: None (no sun storms or comets)

- Sleep Modus: no (Care, your ship will continue running and using fuel when you leave the server!)

How to autojoin a server (NOT WORKING ATM Just press the link on the right):

(since I'm running a german steam account, I had to translate the instructions myself. Names may verify)

Right-Click on Space engineers in steam -> properties -> set launch option -> copy-paste the Server-IP here -> Ok -> Close -> Start game.