Sunday, June 28, 2015

Weekly survey

What are your goals in Space engineers?

Those answers got equally many responses:

- Building Cool stuff
- Building the most badass battleships
- Scouting / Gathering resources

I'll try to focus our game on that with plugins and maybe events later.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Server Update: Plugins

A new week and I had the drive to crawl through the mod library once again. I hope you enjoy our new blocks and that they won't make any problems. I'll continue searching for nice plugins as well as being open to your suggestions. Just keep it kinda realistic in a way...

Ludicrous Speed: Raises the top speed of any ship or person to a max of 250 m/s. Missiles or small ships might be even faster, up to 265.2. Be careful though. Ships may get destroyed (armor might be flattened), minor lags might be caused and don't use weapons when travelling faster than 104.4 m/s.

Gravity Collector: Tired of loosing ore while mining? This mod promises to help us out, getting floating ore, the drills didn't grab themselves.

Eikesters Decorations and more - Part 1: This adds some decorative blocks which have no actual use. I thought you might like them anyways - for example to fill in empty rooms

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Weekly Game Update

The Server has been updated to the latest version. Game has been tested and considered functioning - you can update your game; outdated game clients might not be able to join anymore.

It's not Friday quite yet, but the game update has already been released. This week with a huge change: The sun will be able to surround the universe. I don't know when they'll implement that into the nitrado interface, but I'm definitely looking forward.
Since you can set the speed, I guess we'll go for two rotations each day, so that both, our European as well as our American player are able to see a dawn and set :)

- UI transparency (community feature by mexmer)
- world option: sun rotation
- world option: voxel support for grid
- world option: disable jetpack
- world option: spawning without tools
- projected blueprint can now inherit ownership from projector

- fixed issue with invite via Steam
- fixed welders causing lags (still WIP) (community fix: yajiedesign)
- fixed crash in Havok
- fixed crash when changing hostility settings
- fixed welder model
- fixed issue with projector turning welded blocks off
- fixed issues with multiple mods upgrading the same value
- fixed oxygen generator auto-refill synchronization (community fix: mexmer)
- fixed welder help others synchronization (community fix: mexmer)
- fixed warhead projection explosion

Space Engineers - Step by step: Programmable Blocks

Hey, I'm gonna make some tutorials about a little bit more advanced stuff. This time, let's set up some programmable blocks. They're not difficult to use, yet some things have to be considered. Let's get through it step by step:

Space Engineers tricks - Part 1

Hey guys I'm doing a written tutorial about small stuff, that may better your Space Engineers experience or answer some questions. It's not only for beginners, as maybe people who played the game for a while haven't figured out everything. It's very basic stuff, so don't expect too many mind blowing information ;)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Server Update: Plugins

I've managed to install some plugins on our server. It's not the easiest thing to do, so I won't be playing around too much yet, but I hope those 5 installed, will be helpful for you. Tell me, if you want to have other plugins. We can talk about your proposals. I won't accept anything though, since I like to keep it somewhat realistic and calm.

Here's the list of installed Plugins:

Interior Door: Adds another Door with stylish cute glass windows - for all those who hate the original ones ;)

Solarpanels: Adds a bunch of smaller solar pannels to get the most power out of your ships surface area

Ecoin: With this small plugin comes a huge opportunity. Create Econ exchanger to "convert" every item to money. Use money to assemble any item you want. Good for trading too, as you can sell your stuff to each other at custom prices, and trade using ecoins instead of resources.

Larger Airtight Hangar Door: With the Oxygen feature, you can flow whole ships with oxygen. But to secure it, you need doors or hangar doors. The Hangar doors are - who would have thought - for hangars where ships can land, but the normal ones are very small. With this 10 field tall hangar door, you can create larger openings so your motherships can carry bigger small ships.

Small RailGun: Requested by PvMind: Shoot enemies from far away. Precisely, deadly. With all weapons, keep in mind, that we're a peaceful server. Use them to destroy NPC ships or make absolutely sure, that your opponent agreed to the fight!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Weekly Game Update

The Server has been updated to the latest version. Game has been tested and considered functioning - you can update your game; outdated game clients might not be able to join anymore.

Hello guys, and girls it's Friday, so here are this weeks space engineers update notes:
Taken from here

- deathmatch scenario support
- new scenario condition: setting the amount of lives in a scenario
- new scenario condition: all others lost
- block settings: medical room ownership for the first player spawned in a scenario- block settings: set a projector to instant building in scenario
- possibility to make a selected grid indestructible in scenario

None of these updates influence life on our server directly.

Interested in our server specifications and prices?

As I want to keep everything transparent I'm linking you the direct provider page. You're free to play with the settings and see the exact price of the server.

Right now, we got the settings as followed:

Slots / Player: 4
Hardware Performance-upgrade: standard
Advanced Payment: 90 days

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Interested in joining our server?

Guys, It's so easy:

- Go, buy space engineers here: 
- message me right in this blog or in twitch with your steam username. We'll friend each other.
- Then I'll sent you an invitation to this group: (name is subject to change)
- After you're in, just press the button on the top right of this blog, where it says: "Start Space Engineers" (or, do manually by searching for the Server-IP:
- Once the map is being downloaded and the game itself is ready, you're directly on our server :)

First time here? Join our Faction. Space engineers supports multiple factions making faction wars possible. For the start  (since we're all a bunch of newbies ;) ) I really recommend to not start a new faction! Just join ours:

Press K -> Go to the Factions tab -> apply to CLO - The Clockers (may be named differently soon)  -> wait for me to accept your invite.

You can always stay in contact by writing to my steam name.
Feel free to open discussions in our steam group. This blog is basically just an announcement and information site.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Space Engineers Server Live!

Generally important:

Runs (for now) until: 12th of Sep 2015
Donation link:
Cost: 11€ each 90 days (I'm perfectly fine paying it for now, don't worry)
Max Player size: 4

Server whitelist Group:
(please apply to group if your not a member yet)

Server properties 2105-06-14:

- We're running survival
- Ateroid world (only respawn ship)
- Low asteroid density
- Maximal floating Objects: 64
- Infinite World
- 20km view

- Inventory size: 1x
- Assembler speed: 1x
- Refinery speed: 1x
- Inventory space: 1x

- Frighter: enabled (random hostile ships spawing - Watch out!)
- Encounters: enabled (random friendly ships spawning)
- Area hostility: None (no sun storms or comets)

- Sleep Modus: no (Care, your ship will continue running and using fuel when you leave the server!)

How to autojoin a server (NOT WORKING ATM Just press the link on the right):

(since I'm running a german steam account, I had to translate the instructions myself. Names may verify)

Right-Click on Space engineers in steam -> properties -> set launch option -> copy-paste the Server-IP here -> Ok -> Close -> Start game.